Viralize is now hosted on Rackspace. During the change I had to setup PostgreSQL master-slave replication and I had to write a simple script for WAL archiving.
I've put the code on Github, hopefully it will help other people:
How does it work?
pg_raxarchive is designed to be easy to integrate with PostgreSQL.
First install pg_raxarchive using pip on both master and slave:
$ pip install pg_raxarchive
Configure your Rackspace API credentials writing them on /etc/pg_raxarchive.ini:
[rackspace_cloud] username = YOUR_USERNAME_HERE api_key = YOUR_API_KEY_HERE
Then enable WAL logs on your your postgresql.conf master:
wal_level = hot_standby max_wal_senders = 5 hot_standby = on wal_keep_segments = 32 archive_mode = on archive_command = 'pg_raxarchive upload %p %f'
Setup your slave the same way you would do for streaming replica and use the following lines into recovery.conf:
restore_command = 'pg_raxarchive download %f %p' archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_raxarchive cleanup %r'
Here it is. ;-)
Please, feel free to contribute and submit issues.